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扫尽出国留学写作愁云 你需要掌握的都在这里!

时间:2019-09-12 16:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

It's All About Thinking!!! —— Mark Christy




今天,Dr. Mark 根据自己丰富的写作与教学经验,对英语学术写作的要点与常见问题进行了归纳并提出了建议,让我们一起来听一听吧!


  1. The general progression of essay formats 循序渐进,从易到难

  2. The use of student submissions 通过点评学生们的文章进行教学

  3. The certainty of losing face at the beginning 在最初因为学生们能力有限,为了使他们进步指出他们的问题一定会丢些面子,但是目的是将他们的“面子”变成真正的荣誉。

A Singal Goal: the development of true excellence in writing



  1. Make use of all current skills possessed by students


  2. Learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses


  3. Use students' desire to compete and keep them motivated



  1. Overall organization of thoughts 总体思路的结构

  2. Flow of thought 思路的连贯

    *Transitioning 过渡 (让学生们做到从一开始使用简单词进行过渡到学会通过与上文观点进行衔接实现思考的过渡)

  3. Stay on point within each paragraph 每一段都围绕该段主旨展开



  1. Interaction 为了避免无聊,要尽量与每一个学生进行互动

  2. Feedback 给学生提供尽多的反馈,分析他们的行文思路并提供建议

  3. In Level 3, conduct peer review 在第三期学生们对写作有较深理解时,让他们进行同伴互评

  4. Peer review before teacher review may not be helpful 同伴互评应在老师反馈之后


  1. Unnecessary detail 不必要的细节 


  2. Vague wording 用词含义不明确

    Eg. First, treating pets as family members may lead to good return. (good return 意义不明确)

  3. The use of absolutes instead of the language of possibility 使用过于绝对的词汇

    Eg. will, always, undeniably, etc.

  4. Meaningless statements 无意义的陈述

    Eg. After having learnt Unit 3, I learn a lot of things.

  5. Dangling modifiers 无依着修饰语

    Eg. Rather than trapping in humdrum jobs every day or doing homework with fatigue and boredom, distinct delights can be brought from keeping different animals. (前面修饰语的主体与主句主语不匹配)

  6. Over-generalizing 过于笼统地概括

  7. Over-statements 言过其实 (带着偏见写文章)

    Eg. As a derogatory term appeared in many historical documents, "colonialism" is often regarded as a word linked with "settlement" or "invasion", which are not very friendly to the native people.

  8. Excessive wordiness 过度冗长

  9. Making the impersonal personal/animated 将非人的东西主动化

    Eg. ...Because the intentions of both terms are to gain wealth and to build political recognition and reputation globally. (terms没有intentions)

  10. Argumentation in the introduction 开头段的论证(开头段不应有过多的背景知识和任何论述)

  11. Overuse of there is / are 滥用“there is / are"

  12. Unnecessary/faulty definitions/explanations 不必要或错误的定义和解释 

    Eg. ..., which means...(除非有专有名词或某词汇的不寻常用法)

  13. Failure to make parallel 并列短语或句子使用错误

    Eg. Since imperial governments and their merchants in 19th century were constantly seeking ways to maximize profits, cheap labors, abundant natural resources, and broad market became very critical to achieve this goal.

    (可以说like..., like..., and like...)

  14. Faulty Transitioning 错误的过渡

  15. Stating the obvious 陈述很明显的事实



TOEFL  Essay

  1. Introduction 开头段

    a. Hook / attention grabber

    b. Thesis - "in my opinion..."

    c. Final sentence - I feel this way for the following reasons

  2. Body 主体段

    a. Reason one (*REPEAT for additional reasons)

        1) Additional details 

        2) Example / argumentation

  3. Concluson 结尾段

    a. Restate thesis

    b. Restate reasons

    c. End with statement of hope or STH about the future

ACT Essay

  1. Prompt 

    a. 判断出prompt中的重要部分

    b. 这个prompt会有三个不同的角度,通常其中两个与另外一个所持观点不同

    c. 最容易进行辩护的是与另外两个不同的那个角度

    d. 为了驳倒我们反对的观点,我们可以指出那个观点的假设为什么是错误的,或者这种观点带来的结果是如何不好的

  2. Introduction 开头段

    a. Attention grabber - use initial part of the prompt for inspiration

    b. Other views - mention the opposing views

    c. Thesis with reasons

  3. Body and Conclusion 中间和结尾段

    a. 1st paragraph - deal with the opposing views ("In contrast to my perspective..."

    b. 2nd - 5th paragraph - offer reasons / arguments in support of the thesis

    c. Conclusion - restate thesis and reasons + end with hope / future statement

